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Sell ​​your property with the best

Human group:

We have a select group of real estate professionals who have the experience, time and knowledge necessary to market your property quickly and safely, we also have referrals from potential buyers who are looking for real estate in different parts of the city.

Advice on pricing:

Our advisors will carry out a marketing study and inform you of the prices of the properties offered in the same sector, which have similar areas, age and physical characteristics, so that you can make a comparison and make a more precise decision. regarding the price.

Legal advice:

We have lawyers who will help you in the study of titles of your property and the reorganization of the title to facilitate the sale.

Financial advice:

We have the collaboration of financial entities that help us with the approval and processing of mortgage credit to the buyer if required.

Registration procedures:

In the event that the notaries do not provide this service, we take care of all the notary and registry procedures until the credit is disbursed to the seller.

Delivery certificate:

Once the total sale price of your property has been paid, our commercial advisor will make the formal delivery and for this he will draw up a record stating the state and inventory of the property.


We advertise your property at no cost on the main web portals such as: square meter, real estate, one hundred blocks, clasf.co, houses.mitula.com.co, trovit.com.co, doomos.com.co, locanto.com. co, loscompradores.com, luxuryestate.com, tuad.com.co, Facebook.com.

Strategic Alliances:

We carry out business roundtables with real estate allies in order to achieve the client’s achievement for their property quickly.

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