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obtain working capital

Boost your business Acquire Free Investment Mortgage Loans

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Remember that credit streamlines your business operations

745 8181 - 322 850 4901

Credits Free investment

You can allocate the credit for whatever you want:


Ease of payment

Payment of interest that you can make by downloading from our page www.inmobiliariachico.com the receipt with bar code, to pay in authorized financial institutions or by transfer of funds.

Term to choose

In our credits the term is chosen by you.

Reports to credit bureaus

Don’t worry, we don’t take these reports into account.

Speed ​​of disbursement

All the procedures for our mortgage loans are made in a period of five to six days, subject to the complexity of the study of titles.


We take care of all the procedures of your credit from beginning to end and we offer you absolute confidentiality.


Loans to pay all deed expenses, property taxes and appraisal.

Inmobiliaria e Inversiones Chico LTDA acts as an intermediary in the placement of mortgage loans.

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